News Melbourne Business School launches For-Purpose Executive Leadership Program

Melbourne Business School launches For-Purpose Executive Leadership Program

Advancement Social Impact Leadership Leadership Programs Melbourne Business School

Melbourne Business School is introducing a new program to support the growth and impact of Australia's for-purpose sector.

Melbourne Business School Associate Professor of Marketing Jody Evans

Developed by Associate Professor of Marketing Jody Evans, the For-Purpose Executive Leadership Program is designed for CEOs, managing directors and senior executives leading for-purpose organisations.

The program will assist leaders who are facing the challenges of declining government funding and increased competition for philanthropic support, at the same time as growing community demand and expectations.

"Often for-purpose leaders haven't had the opportunity to advance their business acumen and capability, or to dedicate time to sharing the challenges they face with their peers," Associate Professor Evans said.

"This is because many for-purpose programs are prohibitively expensive, require extended periods away or hardly provide the regional perspective that Australian leaders require.”

"Our program is locally-based, sector-specific and taught by globally recognised experts with experience in this field."

The program will be backed by 25 scholarships, made available thanks to the generous support and partnership of the Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation, in addition to Krystyna Campbell-Pretty, the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust-MBS Endowment and the Evans5 Fund.

"The social purpose sector has limited resources as it is and even less to devote to the development of its leaders, so it's a wonderful thing to remove the financial barrier to leadership development," Associate Professor Evans said.

Dr Catherine Brown, CEO of the Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation, said: "The For-Purpose Executive Leadership Program is timely. It was critically important that for-purpose leaders are able to respond to multiple and complex challenges arising from an increasing demand for services as the population grows, to use technology to enhance social and environmental impact, to gain new insights from relevant data, to work collaboratively across sectors, and to bring fresh thinking to entrenched problems."

A recent needs assessment of the for-purpose sector in Victoria found that CEOs were faced by multiple challenges including difficulty securing ongoing funding, personal isolation and concern about staff wellbeing – on top of growing demand for services.

"The cost of doing business is growing faster than the revenue that we receive," said one CEO. Another said: "There is always demand for us to do more and provide more."

The For-Purpose Executive Leadership Program will help participants develop their business and leadership skills while also studying alongside peers who are facing similar challenges.

"We believe that intentionally connecting a group of diverse leaders in an environment that fosters trust, generosity and openness will accelerate the impact of the individual organisations and the for-purpose sector as a whole," Associate Professor Evans said.

"The program is going to work with leaders to help them develop sustainable business models in their organisations, build marketing and engagement plans and manage key stakeholder relationships at any level."

Participants will stay on-site at Melbourne Business School during the program for two four-day modules on 27-30 March and 10-13 July 2020.

To apply, visit the For-Purpose Executive Leadership Program page.

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