Degree Programs Senior Executive MBA

Senior Executive MBA

The only global MBA in Australia exclusively designed for CEOs and other senior executives.

Next Intake: April 2025
18 months

Get a truly global experience with an MBA with Australia’s premier business school.

Embark on immersive educational experiences in Melbourne, Asia, Europe, and North America  exploring cutting-edge innovations shaping today's global business landscape.

The unique program structure maximises your learning while minimising disruption to your career and personal commitments. Spread over 18 months, each of the ten modules runs for nine days, covering a wide range of high-impact leadership skills. We welcome leaders from across Australia and overseas to apply.

Join a lasting and influential community of internationally-renowned faculty and senior executives from world leading organisations operating at the highest level, united by a motivation to succeed.

Why a Senior Executive MBA at Melbourne Business School?

Number 1 University icon

#1 University in Australia

The University of Melbourne
Times Higher Education, 2025
A True Peer Cohort of CEOs for ASX150 Companies icon

World-leading faculty

Study under some of the best academics in the world to enhance your approach to leadership challenges.
Worldclass Masterclass icon

Global Immersion

10 nine-day modules, including three overseas modules in Europe, Asia and USA, over 18 months.
World Class Talent icon

Australia’s most influential network

Join a community of CEOs and senior executives operating at the highest level.

Access Global Business Hubs

Senior Executive MBA | Europe Global Business Hub


Immerse yourself in a residential module at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Koblenz. Nestled between the vibrant cities of Cologne and Frankfurt, experience world-class business education in the heart of Europe's economic powerhouse.
Senior Executive MBA | Asia Global Business Hub


Step into the dynamic world of emerging markets at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India's #1 Business School. Gain invaluable insights into one of the world's fastest-growing economies and its innovative business practices.
Senior Executive MBA | USA Global Business Hub


Dive into the cutting-edge world of Silicon Valley at the University of California, Berkeley. Learn from industry pioneers and visionaries while completing your residency in the global hub of technological advancement and entrepreneurship.

Student Experience

People come to Melbourne Business School because they want to study with the best.

We attract some of the brightest academics from around the world, who teach in class sizes much smaller than their colleagues overseas and are accessible to you throughout your studies.

You will have access to a private serviced room with an ensuite on-campus for the duration of each module.

We offer opportunities for self-development via a wide range of electives, co-curricular activities, and host regular industry networking events.

What You'll Study

Revolutionise the way you think about business, your career and your future.

Partnering With Your Board icon

Business Skills

Discover new analytical skills, concepts, and knowledge of general management.
Strategy icon


Craft and evaluate strategic initiatives for organisations within their unique operational landscapes.
World-leading Experts icon

Global Awareness

Deepen your understanding of the international challenges facing organisations today and ways to overcome them.
Key and Graph Notepad icon


Diagnose managerial problems and find solutions in innovative ways.
Arrow and Magnifying Glass icon

Decision Making

Strengthen your management decision-making process within complex contexts.
Performance Management icon


Leverage your management expertise in class discussions to enhance your professional confidence.
Emotional Intelligence icon


Build self-insight, flexibility, and ethical sensitivity to the changing social and economic conditions.

Subjects and Structure

Senior Executive MBA - Course structure

Download the timetable for 2025 / 2026.

Core Subjects

Leadership and Change

Effective leadership provides direction, alignment and commitment for the collective, especially through courage, visibility and approachability.

Discover how to: improve your social- and self-awareness, effectively manage relationships and your time, give valuable team feedback, and improve your overall leadership style.

You will gain a behavioural model of conflict management that contains the toxic elements of conflict, the opportunity to practice leadership and team-management skills in a group setting, and ways to explore the effectiveness of your own leadership presence within a team dynamic.

Data Analysis

Data is ever present in business, which creates a need for managers to harness its power in order to make more informed decisions and thus drive success in their role.

For managers to harness the power of data, they will need to have skills in data analysis so they can assess probabilities, uncertainties, statistics, sampling errors, visualisations and more in order to solve the problems challenging decision-makers.

Learn how to analyse data by exploring the concepts and theories found in various business cases delineating different problems present in organisations today.


To design, develop and implement a successful marketing strategy, it's essential to establish the right relationship between your organisation and the marketplace.

Achieving such a fine balance with your marketing strategy requires the ability to analyse the market, plan strategy and implement it within industrial and consumer markets as well as the private and public sectors.

Discover how to undertake a marketing audit, draft a marketing plan, analyse marketing data, apply consumer and organisational purchasing behaviour theories, segment and target a market, apply product positioning strategies, and much more.

Organisational Behaviour

The issues with managing people never cease, which is why effective leadership is about being approachable, visible and courageous in a way that earns trust.

To achieve this, learn how to manage yourself properly, lead a team effectively, develop relationships quickly and understand the ways to manage conflict by developing a valuable leadership presence and style.

You will learn how to diagnose people related problems, determine appropriate behaviours to use in addressing varying individual-levels, group-levels and organisational-level challenges and opportunities.

Accounting I

As the basis for measuring performance, contracting, investments, operations and your financial decisions, accounting is essential to your executive success.

Discover how financial statements and for-profit external financial reporting work and cement a foundation for interpreting financial data for better decision-making – such as assessing a firm’s strengths, weaknesses and value.

You will learn to balance an income statement, comprehensive income statement, shareholder equity statement and cash flow statement in relation to financing, investing and operating activities. Plus, more.

Global Business Economics

Even a modest understanding of economics can help you make better decisions and predict the economic business environment.

Therefore, it's essential as an executive to have a good understanding of economics so you can then form your own opinions on economic issues, empower your decisions and even deal with professional economists in any context.

Start with learning economic terminology and then discover ways to make informed decisions on questions of economic policy, the forces governing the long-run growth and short-run fluctuations in GDP, business cycle fluctuations, the motivations of central banks in conducting monetary policy, and much more.

Economics of Strategy

Without the right analytical and economic reasoning skills, you will never be able to solve the more complicated business problems – or make the bigger decisions.

Within microeconomic theory, there are techniques that enable decision-makers to evaluate strategic position, new opportunities and make fact-based conjectures to help achieve success – learning to answer how the market environment constrains a firm's ability to set price, which competition strategies to employ, and how to increase value in B2B transactions.

Learn the fundamental economic analytical skills required in managerial decision-making, understand markets characterised by bargaining agents, and more.

Managerial Judgement

We suffer from strong biases that hinder good decision-making in management and leadership – and that's because of our sensitivity to various levels of threat.

Based on state-of-the-art neurobiological research, discover how to develop a realistic perception of others, understand biases in decision-making around interpreting information, and appreciate the positive and negative roles that emotions can play in guiding decisions.

You will gain the ability to frame problems around decision-making, interpret information for the selection of strategic options, and lead with resonance.

Finance I

Valuation and financial management are the foundation of any role where cash flow matters – establishing how to manage firms and increase shareholder wealth.

For this purpose, you will focus on the valuation of financial assets and selection of investment projects and find that the principles learned here can be readily applied to your own personal financial planning and investments.

Discover answers to how to value investment project cash flows, financial assets, such as bonds and shares, and how to choose and finance projects that can increase firm value and manage the risk of cash flow.

Industry Studies in Asia

Fly to Asia for a week-long field-study where you will apply your newly developed MBA skills to organisational challenges in a developing economic setting.

You will walk away with new research skills and an understanding of how to conduct business in an Asian environment, the cultural forces affecting HR management, negotiations and strategy, globalisation and the relationships between the macroeconomic, political and cultural systems of an economy.

This trip will test your research skills as you identify challenges and opportunities confronting industries and organisations in diverse contexts relating to Asia.

Accounting II

Accounting produce valuable financial information because it can measure financial performance, an offering's cost, a process or the profitability of customers.

By understanding how accounting can achieve this, you can make better decisions or assess your company’s financial performance – and appreciate the difficulties of such a task.

Discover how to understand financial data and information and use the contribution margin and cost information to make more intelligent business decisions.

Ethical Leadership

Businesses operate in a societal context, meaning leaders must understand this situation in order to deal with the ethical problems that arise from it.

Within this context, there are corporate obligations relating to multiple stakeholders, corporate social responsibility strategies and approaches to moral reasoning that leaders must understand in order to address prevailing ethical problems.

Discover ways to apply different moral reasoning approaches, identify their limitations, develop corporate social responsibility, address ethical dilemmas and understand why ethical frameworks influence consumer purchasing decisions.

Managing Human Capital

There are strategies to effectively unlock the productive potential of your employees in order to improve firm performance and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

To understand the relationship between managing people and organisational outcomes, you must understand how to make the decisions that lead your team to successfully completing their tasks.

Learn how to diagnose people-related problems, use human capital management tools to address organisational problems and opportunities, develop high-performance human resource practices, and manage human capital projects.

Finance II

Advanced financial management knowledge can provide the basis for funding a firm’s investments, using its resources efficiently or managing high-risk.

With such knowledge, you can identify and asses operative, investment and financing risks, capital investments in foreign markets, more options, and understand capital structure and corporate pay-out policy.

Coming to understand the techniques for managing risk, you will learn to incorporate sovereign risk into capital budgeting decisions, how real options in capital budgeting decisions work, and why certain factors affect a firm’s capital structure.


In a competitive global environment, companies face increasing pressure to exceed customer expectations along performance measures, such as cost, quality, flexibility and innovativeness.

To meet those expectations, learn to design, manage and continuously improve processes, develop internal capabilities for sustainable competitive advantage, analyse bottlenecks to form response strategies, and leverage inventory.

You will learn to evaluate the consistency of processes, estimate needed safety stock, identify the drivers of inconsistency in processes, propose solutions to mitigate arising issues, and use statistical techniques to control process capability.

Business Strategy

Every manager will need to contribute to formulating business strategy, and it will help in developing the competitive advantage of their functional area.

Business strategy involves integrating the activities of different functional areas to build and sustain your firm’s competitive advantage by choosing which products, markets and segments the firm should compete in. As a result, you need to have a clear understanding of the factors that shape the success or failure of the firm.

Gain the frameworks and tools to assess your firm's internal resources and capabilities, conditions for long-term competitive advantage, the external environment, and more.

Industry Studies in Europe

Fly to Europe for a week-long field-study where you will apply your newly developed MBA skills to specific organisational, economic and innovation challenges.

You will visit a partner school and other organisations, such as the European Central Bank, to comparatively analyse European business models. This includes learning about European economic integration, competitive strategy in European markets, transition economies and winning innovation strategies.

Come to understand the European Union's political, economic, business and sociological evolution, European culture, EU cross border management, designated EU industries, international economics, and opportunities found in emerging economies.

Brand Management

Brand equity accounts for a significant portion of an organisation's total value, making brand management a core concern for executives and investors.

Explore the nature and operation of a brand, and how brand-led firms design effective strategies to help in building, maintaining and leveraging brand equity. You will learn why the role of a brand evolves in response to economic changes and how to take a brand to market, improve brand architecture and more.

You will learn to effectively manage a brand to radically alter firm performance, leverage the relationship between brand equity and firm value in decision-making.


Negotiation is a decision-making process – and the art of securing agreements – in which two or more people must determine how to divide a resource.

To deepen what you already know about negotiation, create a common vocabulary around negotiation principles, critically examine and refine your skills, and identify the practises that lead to optimal outcomes for a spectrum of negotiation problems.

You will learn to create value, manage personal and interpersonal dynamics in negotiations, understand and exercise power, manage multi-party negotiations, mediate conflicts and facilitate the negotiations of others.

Implementation of Strategy

After you contribute to the formulation of business strategy, the next step is to implement it.

You will need to execute the strategy's central actions and those relating to systems thinking and innovation, sustainability of competitive advantage, organisational transformation, and building and managing culture.

Gain an understanding of the major issues impacting strategy, the frameworks and methods used to execute strategy, the ability to drive change for organisational renewal, and a deeper appreciation of strategic leadership's demands.

Industry Studies in America

Fly to the USA for a week-long field-study where you will apply your newly developed MBA skills to complex organisational challenges from the American setting.

Multiple threads from prior modules will be strung together in the analysis of American business models and their success factors as you visit a partner business school and companies in either the high-technology, venture capital or innovation sectors.

You will build the strategic innovation capability of a new business venture, capturing opportunities, building culture, attracting capital and more. You will learn about international economics and American cultural aspects in cross-cultural operations.

Mergers and Acquisitions

The merger and acquisition pathway to growth has constantly maintained its importance in large firms for well over a century.

In fact, mergers and acquisitions are important corporate events that allow companies to achieve a wide variety of strategic goals, including new market access, logistical arrangements, operational efficiencies and portfolio diversity.

Examine the history of mergers and acquisitions and develop an understanding of the elements required for such transactions, the reasons behind the continuing levels of such activity and the impact of regulatory considerations on a deal, plus more.

Leading at the Top in Transformational Times

When a company goes through transformation, what is the role of a senior manager and how important are they to achieving a successful change?

The answer is found in how you approach what you should be doing during a transformation and how to organise governance systems and processes for a successful transformation.

You will develop competencies in the analysis, planning and execution of leadership practice in transformational contexts, and ways to assess the nature of change and its implications within an organisation.

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance addresses the system by which companies are directed and controlled, which involves the alignment of interests among stakeholders.

This system includes the structures for rights and responsibilities, rules and procedures for decision-making, and is made up of a governance model, duties and obligations within law and practice, corporate sustainability, governance in the Asian context, and boards and executive teams.

Learn to apply corporate governance principles, review its literature, apply corporate structures, define the key players, understand a director's legal obligations under the Australian Corporations Act, assess corporate social responsibility, and much more.

Residential Stay

The program consists of 10 nine-day modules, including seven based at Melbourne Business School and three overseas. During the modules at Melbourne Business School, students will stay on campus from Saturday to the following Sunday.

This format lets students fully immerse themselves in the program, without the distractions of work and home. All students receive a private room with en suite, and all meals are provided.

Download a brochure

Explore further details about the class profile, learning approach and more.

World-Leading Faculty

Associate Professor Dr Andrea North-Samardzic

We invite you to join an exclusive network of visionary CEOs, senior executives, and world-class academic leaders. Together, we'll challenge conventional thinking delve into groundbreaking innovations that are transforming the global business ecosystem.

Associate Professor
Associate Dean Executive Degree Programs

VIVEK CHAUDHRI | Short Courses for organisations | Melbourne Business School


Brandon Lee
Nadia Massoud
Jim Frederickson
Jody Evans
Jill Klein
Don O'Sullivan
Mara Olekalns | Melbourne Business School
Profile picture of Simon Holcobe, Melbourne Business School
Will Harvey - Social Purpose Centre - Melbourne Business School
Andrew John

Employee Sponsorship

Many of our students secure partial or full financial support from their employers for our MBA programs.

Many of our students secure partial or full financial support from their employers for our MBA programs.

This investment not only demonstrates your commitment to your organisation but also provides immediate value through enhanced leadership skills and an expanded professional network.

Ready to discuss the opportunity with your company? Contact our Future Learners team for our comprehensive business case template and personalised guidance.

Enquire Now

Meet With Us

The best way to learn more about studying at Melbourne Business School is to attend an upcoming information session.

We hold sessions monthly, providing a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about the program, along with an opportunity to participate in a group Q&A session. After this, if you need more specific information on subjects and study materials, campus life or assistance with your application, please book a one-on-one session. We are available to meet in person at our Carlton Campus or online.


Program Fee

The Senior Executive MBA program fee is $153,000 (2025), inclusive of tuition fees: $139,230 and residential fees: $13,770.

Residential fees include:

  • Residential accommodation (in Melbourne and overseas) for the duration of the program
  • Meals on class days

Other Costs

The program fee does not include travel costs associated with the international modules, including airfares to Asia, Europe and the US, airport transfers, visa charges and travel insurance. Students are also responsible for some meals on class days of the international modules, as well as incidental expenses such as telephone, laundry, car parking and other personal charges.

Students located outside Melbourne are responsible for their own travel costs to and from Melbourne for modules based at Melbourne Business School.


FEE-HELP is available for tuition fees to eligible Australian citizens and certain permanent residents.

Self financing

Students who pay their own fees are often able to claim tuition expenses as a self-study tax deduction, provided the degree is relevant to their job. Check with your financial advisor to find out if you are eligible.

Company Sponsorship

Many students share the cost of studying with their employer. Melbourne Business School is happy to provide a business case to share with your employer about the benefits of studying a Senior Executive MBA to the organisation. Please contact us for more information.


A small number of partial scholarships are available for the Senior Executive MBA program.

Our scholarships encourage diversity, provide opportunity and reward talent.

You will automatically be considered for a scholarship when you apply – but to be eligible for some, you need to apply by a certain date.

For more information, visit our Scholarships page.

How to Apply

Application Process


  1. Commence an application to become familiar with the application process.
  2. Meet with us to find out more about the School and program.
  3. Complete and submit your application by the application closing date.


Shortlisted candidates for each round will be invited to attend a compulsory interview, which can be conducted in person, over the phone or by teleconference. The interview will last approximately 20 to 30 minutes.


Applicants will be notified of the outcome by email. Offers may include the award of a scholarship.

As limited places are available each round, the selection committee may decide to place an application "on hold" for consideration in the next round.

Please note that entry to this program is highly competitive and meeting the minimum entry criteria does not guarantee an offer to the program. Unsuccessful applications will not be reassessed in following rounds.

We appreciate that considerable time and effort are required to complete an application, however we will not comment on specific factors that may have led to the selection committee's final decision.

Application Deadlines

Closing dates for the Senior Executive MBA program are as follows:

Early Round: 15 April 2024

Round 1: 10 June 2024

Round 2: 5 August 2024

Round 3: 30 September 2024

Round 4: 25 November 2024

Round 5: 20 January 2025

The deadline for all applications is 11.59pm AEST.

Late applications may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for further advice.

Outcomes are provided approximately six (6) weeks after the round closing date.

Application Requirements

To apply, you will need to provide:

  • An up-to-date CV showing at least 10 years of management experience.
  • A copy of your undergraduate academic transcript (and any postgraduate academic transcripts if completed)*
  • Evidence of citizenship or residency (e.g. Passport, Birth certificate or Visa)
  • An excellent command of English, with a copy of your IELTS or TOEFL score** if you are a non-native speaker.
  • Personal statements relating to your goals and how you can contribute to the program.
  • The names and contact details of two professional referees (you will be notified prior to referees being contacted).
  • A GMAT may be required if you have not completed previous tertiary study. Please contact us for advice on alternative entry criteria.

Meeting these requirements does not guarantee selection.

You are also welcome to supply additional information that you believe will strengthen your application. The School may also request additional information to assist the admission decision.

It is a university requirement that applicants provide evidence that they meet the published entry requirements. Uncertified documentation does not provide this evidence; however we accept uncertified documents for the purpose of selection, and reserve the right to request your original certified documentation at any time.

**For IELTS, you will need a minimum score of 7.0 overall, with no individual score less than 6.5.
TOEFL iBT, you will need a minimum score of 102, with a written score minimum of 24 and no individual score lower than 21.
PTE: Overall score minimum of 72+, with writing skills of minimum 65 and no other communicative skill below 64

Entry Requirements

  • At least 10 years of management experience
  • An undergraduate degree
  • English proficiency
  • The names of two professional referees

For more information, visit our application FAQ's page.

Apply Now

Late applications may be considered

Program Enquiry

Fill out the form below with details of your enquiry and our team will respond to your request within three business days,
or call us on +61 3 9349 8200 or email [email protected]. Read our Privacy Policy.