Strategy and Marketing

Connecting with customers is the goal of all businesses.
In this digital age, marketers and strategists require a deep knowledge of both digital and traditional channels of sales and marketing as well as the data that can be harnessed to better understand its customers.
Our research focuses on both internal and external drivers. From social trends that inform purchasing decisions and extracting data to drive value to executive compensation and governance, our research explores the creation of value for internal and external stakeholders.
Marketing Analytics

Organisations are awash with data about customers and the choices that they make.
However, only a few are able to extract value from those data. Marketing Analytics focuses on extracting value from those data through methodological innovations and substantive studies.
Typical applications include studies to identify drivers of customer choice, evaluate and maximise the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and optimise pricing, promotions, channel-mix, product portfolios, messaging, and return on marketing spend. Technical developments include new customer level models capable of extracting information from large disaggregate datasets.
Researchers: Ujwal Kayande, Nico Neumann, Michael Smith
Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation

Every organisation needs to set targets for their executives in ways that align executives’ motives with the organisation’s objectives.
However, there are numerous pitfalls. The Australian banks experienced this by bringing on a Royal Commission in part due to financial incentives aligned to shareholder returns encouraging behaviors that negatively impacted customers and society more generally.
Our research explores executive decision making in response to equity incentives – incentives created by granting equity or stock options to executives. We have explored various types of behaviours that these incentives influence and factors on which these effects are contingent.
Researchers: Geoff Martin, Don O’Sullivan, Leon Zolotoy
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Developing Strategic Thinking and Action
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Data for Decision Makers
Leadership, Management, Strategy
Data for Decision Makers
Unlock your full leadership potential through harnessing the power of data to drive organisational value and gain a strategic edge.
Social Trends Influencing International Business
This stream of research concerns how various social trends in our global economy impact on international business (IB) decisions and outcomes.
The first of these issues is the gradual rise of within-country diversity and the opportunities and challenges it presents to firms in the IB environment. At the other end of the spectrum, the second issue is the prevalence of nationalism, ethnocentrism and cross-national animosity, and understanding relevant implications for firms competing internationally.
Both sets involve complex issues, which will impact the longevity of firms and their social licence to operate.
Researchers: Patrice Auger, Douglas Dow, Jill Klein