News Another ranking rise for Melbourne Business Schools MBA

Another ranking rise for Melbourne Business Schools MBA

Melbourne Business School has jumped seven places to 27th spot in The Economist’s 2017 rankings of the world’s best Full-Time MBA programs, outranking London Business School, Carnegie Mellon University, IE Business School, Cambridge University, Oxford University, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


The result follows the program’s 11-place rise in the Financial Times rankings earlier this year. Our Full-time MBA is also ranked in the top-10 international programs byBloomberg Businessweek and the top-20 by Poets and Quants.

The Economist’s latest WhichMBA? ranking reflects 21 factors across four categories: new career opportunities; salary; personal development/education experience; and potential to network.

The School performed particularly well in the last two categories, with a breakdown showing our faculty are effectively ranked the 12th best in the world and the breadth of our alumni network, 18th.  

“The quality of our MBA program continues to earn the recognition it deserves,” Melbourne Business School Dean Zeger Degraeve said. “This latest result reflects the tremendous effort our faculty and staff have put in to offering a world-class, career-enhancing experience at our School and reinforces our presence among the world’s top one per cent of MBA programs.“

Earlier this month, the Financial Times also named our Executive MBA program as Australia’s best after it entered its global top-100 list in 60th place.

Find out more about our Full-time MBA program and next information session.