News MURRA Program 2017 graduation

MURRA Program 2017 graduation

Congratulations to generation six of the MURRA Program, who graduated last Saturday from Melbourne Business School. It brings the total of Indigenous entrepreneurs who have graduated from MURRA to 113.


Keynote speaker Mikaela Jade, founder of Indigital – a ground-breaking tech company that uses 4D mapping, drones and augmented reality to bring Indigenous cultures to life – spoke on the challenges of building a tech company in one of the most remote towns in Australia, Kakadu.

"It is possible to set up a tech company in regional Australia. The internet is our gateway to the world, and we rely on it and understand how powerful it can be. Don't let people tell you otherwise," said Ms Jade.

We would like to welcome and thank sponsors BP, First Australians Capital and Supply Nation for all their support in helping to create a wonderful night. Also, we must say a big thanks to long-time supporters Professor Marcia Langton and Matthew Storey of the National Native Title Corporation for all their care over the years.

As a generation-six speaker noted in their thank-you speech, "MURRA would not have been possible without your support. We pledge to live up to the promise of the program and do right by our communities."