News Thank you for making 2019 a great year for Melbourne Business School

Thank you for making 2019 a great year for Melbourne Business School

Alumni Social Impact Melbourne Business School

It's through the work of our students and alumni that Melbourne Business School has its biggest impact on the world, and that has never been more evident to me than in 2019.

The best part of my job as Dean is seeing what can be accomplished by the people we help to shape.

People like Daniel Barrins, who banded together with his classmates to form Partners for Purpose – a group of alumni who lend their time to not-for-profit organisations like World Vision and The Smith Family.

Or Alistair Lloyd, who's using his MBA to help improve emergency services response times in Victoria.

This year we helped to give even more people the experience, knowledge and confidence they need to change the world.

We celebrated almost 400 new degree graduates and had more than 1000 participants in our short courses.

We worked with organisations like NAB, CSR, Viva Energy and Ryman Healthcare to help them meet the demands of a changing - and challenging - business landscape.

We invited the next generation of leaders to study at Melbourne Business School on the YNG+ Growing My Business Program.

And, as always, we hosted some of Australia's most exciting business leaders as they shared their experience and insight with our community.

To all of our staff, students, alumni, partners and friends, I want to say thank you for making 2019 such an exceptional year for the School.

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season, and I can't wait to see what you achieve in 2020.

To find out more about studying at Melbourne Business School, visit our Degree Programs and Short Courses pages or learn about how we design Custom Solutions with organisations.