News Melbourne Business School congratulates the Class of 2015

Melbourne Business School congratulates the Class of 2015

The graduation followed the traditional Valedictory Dinner in Ormond Hall earlier that week where prizes were awarded to students in recognition of their leadership and community service, and faculty for teaching excellence.

In the historic Melbourne Town Hall in the heart of the city, another memorable occasion was celebrated by the Melbourne Business School community - the 2015 Graduation. 
With 267 students donning gowns and faculty and family members proudly looking on, the Class accepted their testamurs from MBS Dean, Professor Zeger Degraeve.  The commencement address was given by Brooke Miller (MBA2000), Chief Financial Officer for BP Australia and New Zealand. Brooke spoke movingly about her professional and personal journey during and after the MBA.


The graduation followed the traditional Valedictory Dinner in Ormond Hall earlier that week where prizes were awarded to students in recognition of their leadership and community service, and faculty for teaching excellence.

As Professor Degraeve noted, "Today marks the end of a journey of sorts, but it is also the beginning. The beginning of the next phase of your life. Today, the world of business opportunities lies before you.  But you also have the opportunity to positively impact your community in actions large and small, through the skills that you have gained. I ask that when you leave here, you think about how you can contribute to the society around you and continue the Melbourne Business School tradition of being a school which serves our community."

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