Events and Information Sessions Women in Leadership Workshop Series; Negotiations

Women in Leadership Workshop Series; Negotiations

Friday, 04 December 2020
10.00 AM - 11.00 AM

Freedom from, freedom to: Renegotiating the distribution of labour at home.

Working and schooling from home adds pressure to our relationships, sometimes pushing them to breaking point. The gender domestic labour gap has been exacerbated by these changed arrangements, and women world-wide report higher levels of dissatisfaction than men with the way that paid and unpaid work is divided in their households. Can the negotiation skills that we have honed in the workplace be used to renegotiate household distribution of labour and ease relationship pressure?


About our speaker

Mara Olekalns, Professor of Management (Negotiations)

Mara’s research focuses on relational resilience and adversity in negotiation and covers topics such as adversity and relational resilience, micro-ethical judgements, trust violations and trust repair, subjective value in negotiation, gender differences. Her research has been published in leading international journals, including in the Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics and Academy of Management Journal. Mara teaches Negotiations in the Executive and Senior Executive MBA programmes.

Full Bio

More about this series

It is well documented that the enduring socio-economic impact of COVID-19 will be greater on women than men. In the workplace setting, unconscious bias may mean that women need to engage in more difficult conversations to influence the perceptions and behaviours of others. They may also be more likely to lose their jobs or face the need to negotiate or renegotiate terms of their employment. Further, women may take on more care responsibilities at home making COVID-19 even more difficult.

This series of interactive workshops is designed to respond to three common challenges, with an emphasis on the nuances faced by women in the workplace. Guided by experts who teach on Melbourne Business School’s revered Women in Leadership Program, each hour-long workshop will equip attendees with tools and skills to manage difficult conversations, 'silence' the self-critic and successfully negotiate. Sessions will provide attendees with a supportive environment in which to share their own experiences and seek advice from our experts and each other.