Melbourne matters: City solutions workshop and pitch night
Join entrepreneurs, academics and experts from Melbourne’s innovation eco-system at this facilitated design sprint and explore key ideas from the Future Melbourne plan for a reimagined city.
Participate in a brainstorming session about how we can best solve the city’s challenges. Learn the basics of design thinking, ideation and presenting so you can turn your idea into a practical, sellable concept. Exploring and building on key concepts from the City of Melbourne’s Future Melbourne 2026 plan, join your fellow city lovers to unpack how creative collaboration and sharing ideas can lead to better outcomes for a Melbourne that matters.
This event is a collaboration between TRaM, MAP, Melbourne Business School and the Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship and is part of Melbourne Knowledge Week, 20 – 26 May 2019, proudly presented by the City of Melbourne.

200 Leicester Street
Carlton 3053