News EY consulting skills now core curriculum at MBS

EY consulting skills now core curriculum at MBS

Global consultancy EY and Melbourne Business School formally launched the Business in Asia subject at EY head offices in Melbourne this week.


The subject is a core component of the MBA program and heralds a growing collaboration between one of the world's largest consulting companies and Australia's premier business school. While EY has recruited graduates and an EY partner serves on the MBS Board, this is the first time that EY has had input into the MBA curriculum.

There is a growing demand for qualified consultants able to operate across borders and EY sees this collaboration as an important way to expand their talent pipeline and access our graduates early. The program was initiated by MBA alumnus and senior EY manager Federico Arellano who identified the opportunity for collaboration.

"I'm very happy that this initiative is finally a reality," says Federico. "It’s so important for MBA students to have the opportunity to apply their learnings in a large corporate and experience the internal workings of a global consulting organisation. I would have loved to have had that experience with EY when I was a student.”

Full-time MBA students will undergo training in EY offices in Melbourne to prepare for a consulting project with an EY client in Asia. Students have the opportunity to experience professional consulting firsthand, while EY will have access to our pool of high-quality candidates who are experienced in diverse fields and have managerial experience across multiple locations.

"Business in Asia is another example of how Melbourne Business School can help address the needs of the global business community," says John Gurskey, Director of MBS Career Management Centre. "The opportunities in Asia are growing each day but the only thing that can hinder growth for organisations such as EY is access to strong talent. With our students, EY can be assured of top-quality candidates."

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