Ping Xiao
Associate Professor of Marketing
Dr. Ping Xiao is an Associate Professor at Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne.
She holds a Ph.D. from Washington University in Saint Louis and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Science and Technology of China.
Her main substantiative research interests are strategic interactions in business expansion, information nudges in digital contexts, big data analytics and policy evaluation, pricing, social network and consumer analytics, sustainable consumption, smart product consumption, corporate social responsibility, empirical Industrial Organization.
Her work has appeared in Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Econometrics, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operation Research, and Journal of Industrial Economics. She was the Finalist of the 2015 John D.C. Little Best Paper Award.
She considers teaching as an essential part of her academic career. Her teaching interests span over many subjects, including data analytics, pricing, marketing insights, marketing research, research design.
In 2022, she received the MBS Dean's Academic Excellence Award. Prior to this, she had already won the Top 20 Teaching Award from the University of Technology Sydney and the Research Excellence Award from Deakin University.
Xiao Ping, Kai-Yu Hsieh and Weining Bao (2023), “Donations by Disaster-afflicted Firms and Changes in Firm Value: Self-protection and reputation-building Perspectives”, Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming.
Liang Sky, Xinlei Chen, Yuxin Chen, Ping Xiao and Jinglong Zhang (2023), “Mobile Ad Fraud: Empirical Patterns from Publisher and Advertising Campaigns”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Forthcoming
Hsieh Kai-Yu, Ping Xiao, Li Wang and Noshir Contractor (2022), “Online Community’s Recognition and Continued Participation in Idea Competitions”, Decision Sciences, Forthcoming (equal authorship for the first two authors).
Xiao Ping, Yuanyuan Chen, Anandhi Bharadwaj and Weining Bao (2022), “The Effects of Information Nudges on Consumer Usage of Digital Services under Three-Part Tariff Pricing”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 130-158.
Luo Yao, Ping Xiao and Ruli Xiao (2022), “Identification of Dynamic Games with Unobserved Heterogeneity and Multiple Equilibria”, Journal of Econometrics, 226(2), 343-367. (equal authorship)
Xiao Ping, Xinlei (Jack) Chen, Yuxin Chen and Wei Lu (2021), “Violation Behavior in Vertical Restraint: Empirical Analyses in the Case of Retail Price Maintenance”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38(4), 953-973.
Xiao Ping, Ruli Xiao, Yitian (Sky) Liang, Xinlei (Jack) Chen and Wei Lu (2020), “The Effects of a Government’s’ Subsidy Program: Accessibility beyond Affordability”, Management Science, 66(7), 3211-3233.
Chen Liang, Yao Luo and Ping Xiao (2019), “Estimate Demand for Service Bundles under Three- Part Tariffs”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 67(3-4), 448-483. (equal authorship)
Wirtz Jochen, Ping Xiao, Jeongwen Chiang and Naresh Malhotra (2014), “Contrast the Drivers for Switching Intent and Switching Behavior in Contractual Service Setting”, Journal of Retailing, 90(4), 463-480.
Shen Qiaowei and Ping Xiao (2014), “McDonald's and KFC in China: Competitors or Companions?” Marketing Science, 33(2), 287-307. (equal authorship)
*2015 John D. C. Little Award, Finalist for Best Paper in Marketing Science and Management Science
(all papers published in these two journals in 2014)
Chen Xinlei (Jack), Yuxin Chen and Ping Xiao (2013), “The Impact of Sampling and Network Topology on the Estimation of Social Inter-correlations” Journal of Marketing Research, 50(1), 95-110. (equal authorship)
Xiao Ping, Chris Tang and Jochen Wirtz (2011), “Optimizing Referral Reward Programs under Impression Management Considerations” European Journal of Operational Research, 215(3), 730-739.