Josh Hodge

Senior Fellow

Josh Hodge is a Senior Fellow in the Organisational Behaviour/Human Resource Management cluster and a faculty advisor for Harvard Business School Publishing.

Josh has over a decade of executive coaching and facilitation experience, working with managers and business owners to improve their work life balance, efficiency, and effectiveness using positive psychology and a toolkit of performance hacks.

Josh currently teaches Organisational Change, Negotiation, Managing People, Managerial Decision Making, and the MBA Capstone in our Full-time, Part-time, and Executive MBA programs.

Josh uses an evidence-based approach to integrate improvisation and mindfulness practice to improve executive performance. He has peer-reviewed publications in the following academic journals: Psychological Science, International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Development and Learning in Organizations, and Industrial and Commercial Training.

Most Notable Research

Vohs, K. D., Schmeichel, B. J., Lohmann, S., Gronau, Q., Finley, A. J.... Hodge, J., Wagenmakers, E.-J., & Albarracín, D. (2021). A multi-site preregistered paradigmatic test of the ego depletion effects. Psychological Science.

Hodge, J., Overbeck, J., Jehn, K., de Wit, F. (2020). Not my type: Conflict’s effects on morale are due more to meaning violation than to conflict type. International Association for Conflict Management.

De Wit, F., Jehn, K., Dijkstra, M., Shafa, S., & Hodge, J. (2018). Don’t take it personally: The meaning and consequences of the personalisation of team conflict. Academy of Management.

Hodge, J., Mead, N., Caruso, E., Vohs, K., & Baumeister, R. (2017). Reminders of money activate a market pricing orientation and alter people’s social appeal. Society of Australian Social Psychologists.

Hodge, J. (2016). A morphological and bibliological analysis of the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 2003-2012. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 14(1), 86-107.

Hodge, J. & Ratten, V. (2015). So much theory, so little practice: A literature review of workplace theatrical improvisation training. Industrial and Commercial Training, 47(8), 149-155.