Deshani Ganegoda

Associate Professor of Management

Deshani Ganegoda is an Associate Professor of Management at Melbourne Business School.

Deshani Ganegoda joined Melbourne Business School in 2017 and is currently an Associate Professor of Management. After completing her PhD in Organisational Behaviour at the University of Central Florida, Deshani held lecturer and senior lecturer positions at the Australian National University’s Research School of Management. She was a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Business School and the School of Arts and Sciences in 2015.

Deshani’s research centres on topics of behavioural ethics, organisational justice, negotiation, empathy, and workplace deviance. Her research has been published in Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organisational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, and other distinguished journals.

Deshani teaches Managing People and Negotiation on the Full-time and Part-time MBA programs at MBS. She also teaches a variety of Executive Education programs, including Online New Leadership Program and the Advanced Management Program. She was formerly the PhD Program Director at MBS. Deshani won the Deans' Excellence Award for Service to MBS for her work as the PhD Program Director.

She is a member of the American Psychological Association and Academy of Management’s Organisational Behaviour Division and Conflict Management Division. Her research has been featured in the Australian Financial Review.

Most Notable Research

Ganegoda, D. B., Shukla, J., & Shapiro, D. L. (in press). Garnering support for social justice: When and why is “Yes” likelier for “Allies” versus “Disadvantaged Group Advocates”? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Ma, C., Ganegoda, D. B., Chen, Z. X., Zhao. J., Jiang, X., & Zhang, X. (2023). To stand out or fit in? How perceived overqualification motivates proactive and affiliative performance. Human Resource Management, 62, 953-970.

Ma, C., Ganegoda, D. B., Chen, Z.X., Jiang, X., Dong, C. (2020). The effects of perceived overqualification on career distress and career planning: The mediating role of career planning and the moderating role of leader humility. Human Resource Management, 59, 521-536.

Ambrose, M. L. & Ganegoda, D. B. (2020). Abusive according to whom? Manager and subordinate perceptions of abusive supervision and supervisors’ performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41, 737-756.

Ganegoda, D. B., & Bordia, P. (2019). I can be happy for you, but not all the time: A contingency model of envy and positive empathy in the workplace. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104, 776-795. 

Ganegoda, D. B., Latham, G. P., & Folger, R. (2016). The effect of a consciously set and a primed goal on fair behavior. Human Resource Management, 55, 765-943.

Ganegoda, D. B. & Folger, R. (2015). Framing effects in justice perceptions: Prospect theory and counterfactuals. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 126, 27-36.

Folger, R., Ganegoda, D. B., Rice, D., Taylor, R., & Wo, X. (2013). Bounded autonomy and behavioral ethics: Deonance and reactance as competing motives. Human Relations, 66, 905-924.

Welsh, E. T., Ganegoda, D. B., Arvey, R. D., Wiley, J., & Budd, J. W. (2012). Definitely smoke, but is there fire? A study of executive compensation and employee attitudes. Personnel Review, 41, 260-282.

Wang, C. S., Sivanathan, N., Narayanan, J., Ganegoda, D. B., Bauer, M., Bodenhausen, G.V., Murnighan, K. (2011). Cool it off: Delay reduces ultimatum rejections. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 116, 46-54.