Women in Leadership Workshop Series; Quieting the critic within
Many of us have grown up - and live with - a stern inner taskmaster driving us along and offering unwelcome judgements about our performance. Frequently that inner critic holds us back and gets in the way of living, working and leading well. In this conversation we’ll explore:
- What the research tells us about the inner critic and why women are more likely to feel its effects, including, for example, the impostor syndrome
- Four different strategies for quieting our inner critic drawing on psychological, cognitive science and mindfulness research
- Practical tips for working with each approach
This session will be interactive and experiential. Amanda will commence with an overview of research and outline the four strategies she has worked with and drawn on in her coaching and leadership teaching. This will be followed by opportunities to explore in small and the larger group, participants’ experiences with, and approaches to, quieting our inner critics. Attendees will be offered the option to switch their cameras on.

More about this series

It is well documented that the enduring socio-economic impact of COVID-19 will be greater on women than men. In the workplace setting, unconscious bias may mean that women need to engage in more difficult conversations to influence the perceptions and behaviours of others. They may also be more likely to lose their jobs or face the need to negotiate or renegotiate terms of their employment. Further, women may take on more care responsibilities at home making COVID-19 even more difficult.
This series of interactive workshops is designed to respond to three common challenges, with an emphasis on the nuances faced by women in the workplace. Guided by experts who teach on Melbourne Business School’s revered Women in Leadership Program, each hour-long workshop will equip attendees with tools and skills to manage difficult conversations, 'silence' the self-critic and successfully negotiate. Sessions will provide attendees with a supportive environment in which to share their own experiences and seek advice from our experts and each other.About our speaker

Amanda Sinclair, Professorial Fellow, Melbourne Business School
Amanda is a widely published author, recognised in academic and corporate circles as a pioneer in diversity and women in leadership and explorer of the application of mindfulness in leadership. Her research has been published in leading journals, including the Journal of Spirituality, Leadership and Management, Leadership, Organization, Gender, Work and Organisation and more. Amanda currently teaches Leadership and Change on the MBA and Executive MBA programs and our executive education programs.
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