Degree Programs Master of Actuarial Science (Extended)

Master of Actuarial Science (Extended)

The Master of Actuarial Science (Extended) is designed to provide non-actuarial graduates with their initial education in actuarial studies.

2 years full time / 4 years part time
CRICOS Code: 0100880

Actuarial studies is a discipline well-known for its quantitative aspects and mathematical rigour.

A graduate qualification in this area can offer real competitive advantages in today’s financial services industry. An actuary’s work is based upon a multi-disciplinary background of mathematics, statistics, demography, finance and economics.

If you do not have a background in probability and statistics, an additional semester at the beginning of the program will allow you to take the relevant subjects. It's suitable for graduates who have mathematical or statistical specialisations (e.g. mathematics, physics or engineering).

The program is designed to provide Part I (Foundation) professional exams accreditation exemptions* for the Actuaries Institute.

*with sufficiently high academic results

This course is offered at the University of Melbourne, Parkville campus.

For detailed information on the course including subject information, fees and how to apply, please visit Study Hub on the University of Melbourne website.

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