Women in Leadership - MBS Alumni Scholarship Fund

Melbourne Business School believes that women have always been leaders but there needs to be more recognition and support in place to nurture female leadership.
Thanks to the generous support of donors, the Women in Leadership - MBS Alumni Scholarship Fund will provide substantial fee subsidies.
Value: Partial tuition fees:
$2960 - Women in Senior Leadership Program – Two scholarships available
$2540 - Women in Leadership Program – Two scholarships available
Programs: Women in Leadership Program, Women in Senior Leadership Program
Eligibility: Female MBS alumni with a completed Women in Leadership or Women in Senior leadership application.
Application: Applicants must be an alumnus of Melbourne Business School. Applicants must complete both the program and Scholarship application by the closing date to be considered. Applications will only be considered in conjunction with a completed application to the either one of the programs.
Women in Senior Leadership applications will close - Closed
Women in Leadership applications will close - Closed