Advancing business for a better tomorrow

Our research seeks to grow sustainability mindsets and practices and make sustainability a core part of organisational strategy.
The strength of our School and the broader University give the Centre access to leading-edge research in many aspects of business and sustainability – allowing us to translate evidence-based findings into actionable insights for any organisation.
We work with single or multiple enterprises on mission-based research projects that provide leaders with new and practical solutions to specific challenges and advances our global knowledge and scholarship.
Our Experts
Leaders from business, government and not-for-profits - in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region - draw on experts from our Centre and School to better understand and navigate sustainability challenges and opportunities.
Industry Engagement
Our Centre collaborates across a range of sectors to help unleash leaders and ideas for a more environmentally sustainability future. Contact us to find out more.
- Financial Services
- Healthcare
- International Development
Training NAB bankers to have climate change conversations
Over the next two years, Melbourne Business School is training cohorts of National Australia Bank corporate and institutional bankers to have climate change conversations with clients. This work aims to help inform client low carbon transition plans, helping them to reduce their climate risks and explore related opportunities.

Sustainability leaders, roundtable and strategic support
In 2021, the Centre has undertaken a range of activities to aid and support sustainability initiatives in healthcare - a sector that contributes approximately 8 percent of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, has significant service, cost and resourcing pressures and that is fundamentally changing with the rise of more patient-centred, preventative and sustainable models of care. We are proud to have brought together sector sustainability leaders earlier this year, and to be currently working with a number of organisations flowing from this important dialogue.

Executive Roundtable on Cross Sector Partnerships
In July 2019, the Centre hosted the Executive Roundtable on Cross Sector International Development Partnerships.
Bringing together 18 executives across the corporate, NGO, philanthropic, government and academia/medical research communities, the Roundtable set the stage for ongoing research and discussion to drive collaborative efforts towards sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific.
The centre is supporting an ongoing working group and looks forward to hosting the next edition of the Roundtable.

Research Insights

Dark side of bright vision?
Ambitious environmental goals in a firm’s vision statement can spur action and pride. But can poor follow-up offset those benefits by confusing employees about the firm’s goals?
Contact us to find out more.

Context matters: The link between green product strategy and financial performance
Green product strategy can enhance financial performance, but often doesn’t. How do the most successful firms match their execution to their context?
Contact us to find out more.

Partnering for sustainability
Achieving sustainability often requires accessing capabilities and changing routines that span firm boundaries. How should firms pick partners and manage relationships to maximise business and sustainability outcomes?
Contact us to find out more.