Government Investment

Government Investment includes flexible grants and investment funds to help catalyze projects and attract commercial investment here and overseas.

Government Investment

The Blended Finance Initiative aims to grow blended finance approaches to support Australia’s climate transition and support nature positive outcomes.

The Blended Finance Initiative aims to grow blended finance approaches to support Australia’s climate transition and support nature positive outcomes.

Government investment includes Specialist Investment Vehicles, such as the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, that can provide concessional and innovative investment finance and sometimes grants to catalyse projects and help attract commercial investment.

Governments also work with development banks, such as the Asian Development Bank, which manages the Australian Climate Partnership in our region for the Australian Government. Development banks invest in developing countries on climate mitigation and adaptation and to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Development banks play a special role in blended finance in developing countries. Concessional capital that they provide can leverage in private and institutional capital to finance projects from start up to scaling up.

Specialist investment vehicles such as the National Reconstruction Fund and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation are established by Government to support key policy areas requiring concessional capital to make investment opportunities viable.

In addition to domestic vehicles, Australia has the Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund, Pacific Infrastructure Fund and the Australia Climate Partnership supports Asian Development Bank and the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank.

The Blended Finance Initiative Roundtable identified opportunities the different sources of catalytic finance (government, philanthropy and impact investment) to work more closely together, matching different types of concessional finance or grants at different times in the early stages of climate projects or enterprises.

Government Assisted Blended Finance Case Studies

Asian Development Bank
Asian Development Bank led the financing of this remarkable and large scale 600-megawatt, US $950 million renewable energy wind power plant located in Lao’s People Democratic Republic.
Golden Plains Windfarm | Centre for Sustainability and Business
The Golden Plains Windfarm is an Australian example of blended finance, with a $350 million commitment from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) to develop the 1333 MW Golden Plains Wind Farm in two stages.

Join the Blended Finance for Climate Initiative

You are welcome to send new case studies, links to current blended finance opportunities, or event
invitations you would like to share with the network to [email protected]

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